For Business And Bookings
I am always looking for reputable companies/sponsors to work and collaborate with. If you would like to reach out to me I will be more than happy to work alongside you to review and showcase your products. However, I will only work with brands/products that truly appeal to me and what I do as a beauty and lifestyle blogger. It's important to me to be honest with my followers. If I love something, they will know it. But if a product doesn't work for me I likely won't use it :)If you would like to set up a meet & greet or other public appearance I am always happy to meet new opportunities and meet others in the blogging and youtube world. Keep in mind I am Florida-based but open to travel if able or if a company is willing to cover travel costs. I will only work with legit company related bookings. No individual/private booking requests will be considered except by public well known figures who work in beauty type industries.
Companies I've Collaborated With So Far:
All store links on this page are affiliate links. I only affiliate myself with companies I have bought from with my own money and genuinely loved and trusted the products/apparel etc. I promise to remain forward and honest with my followers. If I am ever sent products from a company to try, review, keep etc. I WILL state that in any posting or youtube video. If I am sponsored/paid by a company to talk about products etc. I WILL state that in any posting or video. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me via email with the subject titles COMPANY QUESTIONS to and I will happily address them.